Before i create my media product, i think should do a post on lighting. This is a page from my visual diary from semester one, and as you can see it's very musch in a cubist style, just like my Dalton Sq piece. However in this piece rather than talk about homage and influence, i'm going to talk about the importance of lighting.
Obviously without light we wouldn't be able to see so it's very important in all media texts. In this piece we see many different shades of light, due to the image been created from different perspectives. In my opinion this creates an atmosphere within the image, as well as enhancing this block like cubist feel.
I think in any media text lighting plays a big role on making things aware to audiences and creating an atmosphere. For example in theatre different sorts of lights are used for different scenes. When one person is on stage on normally we see a single spot light on them, making them stand out. This because, unlike tv and film, the theatre can't make the background unfocused. However in dramas on tv, lighting is used to add to the dramatic approach of the media text.
From this post, i've learnt that lighting is important as it helps create an atmosphere. Although mainly used in theatre, it is still very important in the media world.
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