Monday, 12 April 2010

Reception Theory - Stuart Hall

I found the past three posts fascinating and decided to look into the idea a shared understanding between film and audience. When furthering my research i came across the 'Reception Theory' by Stuart Hall. He said that the text is encoded by the people behind the film, and then decoded by the audiences. However, there maybe differences in understanding of what the codes are, which could be due to the age, gender and culture. So using what Stuart Hall calls the 'Prefferred Reading', producers tend to use codes that everyone has a shared understanding of, as well as playing on the expectations of the audience. This could be the use of stars within the text, and genre, meaning there is a an agreement between audience and producer, resulting in audience members been able to understand the story and ideologies of the media text.

I felt this was important to put in because now i'm coming to making my own media product, i need to create this agreement between myself and the audience otherwise my media text won't be understood.

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