This is a screen shot from my music video i made in 2008 for my media studies coursework. This shot tells alot to the audience. We can see the figure at the back of the image who is out of focus given the importance to the phone in the foreground. This is enhanced with the light from the phone which grabs attention. We can tell something dramatic has happened through the posture of the figure. This also shown by how lonely the figure looks with in the frame. The image of open frame as half of the phone is off screen. Another key thing thing to point out about this image is that the colours are fairly dark and reddy. This adds an atmosphere within the image which inserts an expectation for the story of the film.
The unlevel ground makes the image perculiar, however it almost splits the image into two, seperating the main two focal points. The camera is looking up at the main figure given them a sense of importance within the film.
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