Monday, 12 April 2010
The End - My Media Product - Story Board

My Room - Michael Railton - Lighting

Reception Theory - Stuart Hall
I felt this was important to put in because now i'm coming to making my own media product, i need to create this agreement between myself and the audience otherwise my media text won't be understood.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Semiotics - Same Sign, Different Meaning
Semiotics - Saving Private Ryan
I've already used a similar example in a previous post, but i feel this fits in nicely with this post aswell. In this shot we see two American soilders wearing American soilder's outfit. The reason we know it's an American soilder is due to the helmet they are wearing. We also know that it is a World War Two helmet. In this picture the uniform is the sign, the time period is the signified, telling us when this scene is set. Due to this we also gather some more information of the story. This was also seen i the second Inbetweeners post i did.
The past two posts are very important as in every shot in every media product the audience sees signs that signifies a shared meaning between them. This gives them an idea of what is going on in the media product, meaning they have greater understandment of the story. I will make use of signs were i can in my media product as it helps tell the story.